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One shot at a time.


RSV -Respiratory Synctial Virus

The new RSV vaccine offers a promising defense against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for individuals aged 60 years and older. RSV can lead to severe respiratory illnesses in older adults, increasing the risk of hospitalization and complications. By getting vaccinated, older adults can significantly reduce their chances of contracting RSV and protect themselves from the potential health challenges associated with the virus, ultimately promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle in their senior years.

Influenza (High Dose and Regular Dose) 

Influenza vaccines come in both high-dose and standard-dose options. The high-dose vaccine contains a higher concentration of antigen, making it more suitable for older adults who may have weaker immune responses. Standard-dose vaccines are generally recommended for most younger and healthy individuals, providing effective protection against seasonal flu strains. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine which option is best for you based on your age and health status.


The shingles vaccine, known as Shingrix, is a highly effective way to prevent shingles, a painful viral infection caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus. It is recommended for individuals aged 50 and older, as shingles becomes more common with age. By getting vaccinated, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing shingles and its associated complications, including long-term nerve pain.

*Adults 50 years and older should get two doses of Shingrix, separated by 2 to 6 months*


As of 3/27/24, we are currently only carrying the updated Pfizer (Comirnaty) COVID-19 Vaccine. Stock is limited, so please call us before you come in! 

* 03/01/24-  The CDC is advising individuals aged 65 years or older should receive 1 additional dose of any updated COVID-19 Vaccine at least 4 months after their previous dose. 

Where we are

485 Tuckahoe Road, Yonkers NY 10710


Phone number

914-961-1185 ext 1 


If you are interested in the COVID vaccines, please fill out the form below and the team at ValuePlus will contact you soon.

CDC’s Bridge Access Program provides no-cost COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does not cover all COVID-19 vaccine costs. Register for an account on or click the button below. Once you've set up an account, select our pharmacy, ValuePlus, and set up an appointment. Provide the voucher to the pharmacy staff and get vaccinated!

It's Flu Season, so here are some more Flu Facts!

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